Aminet 34
Aminet 34 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1999].iso
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Text File
3,322 lines
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[+] sECOND iN dA wORLD! [tSP'o1 cHARTS] [+]
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t o t a l d i s a s t e r f o r y o u r m i n d
best viewed in 640x256 amiga resolution
no damn pc 800x600 or 80x50 signs in notepad. fuck windows!
if you`re pc user (sorry!) - try UAE and CYGNUS EDITOR first.
guess who`s in the house?
bolek i lolek?
my sexy, sexy lover?
no, but who knows...
::::::::: dot asylum?
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::: ::::
::: a z z a r o ! ::::
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: ::::::::: _____________ ________ ::::
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: ::::::::___\\ ___\\ |/____// _//__ \/_ \___ \\______ /_:::
: :::::::\\_____\\________\\_______//__________//_______//__s3a//::
: :::::::::
: ::::::::: ::::::::: m a d w i z a r d s + e m b a s s y
: ::::::::: :::::::::
:.......::::::::::::::: :::::::::
................................::::::::: f e a t u r i n g
also with help of
including some gu :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
est ascii logos b ::: ::::
y other asc²maker ::: t h u n g ! ::::
_____ ::: _______ ::::
_____/ //__ :____ ____ __ ______ ______|| /____________ ::::
::::_\____ _____/__\\ | //__\ \\ //_\\ _ \| /_\\ ___ /__ _ ::::
::_\\ // // _____\ ___ /___ \ \\ /____ \ \\ | //___\ \// _/ _///_ ::::
:\\zbr//____//___\\______|____//_________//____\\___________/ /____s3a//::::::
: ::::::::: ....................//_______/
: ::::::::: :::::::::
: ::::::::: ::::::::: w h e l p z + h y b r i d
:.......::::::::::::::: :::::::::
................................::::::::: u n d e r t h e l a b e l o f
together again.
again together. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
oone more time. ::: ::::
in 1 g g g. ::: sative mea! line dizasta of de masta ::::
___________ ::: _____ ______ ::::
\\ _ // __::_____ ____/ //__ _________ ___ | /________ ::::
::::__\\ //_//__\\ _ //_\___ _____/_\\__ /__\ \| /_\\ __//__ _::::
::_\\ \\_________ _\ /__ // /________ \__//___\ | //___\ _____///_:::
: ::::::::: ________ ::::
: azzaro :::::::::_____ | / _________ ___________ ::::
: renton :::::::_\\ _ \| _ /___\\ ___//___ __\\ _ //_____ __::::
: revi :::::_\\ \\ | // // ____\ ______// ___\ _\ /____ // /_:::
: twister ::::\\_______\\_//_//__\\_______________\\_____|_____//___s3a//::
: x-ball ::::::::: ..............................................
: zabora ::::::::: :::::::::
: ::::::::: ::::::::: ja kudîaty durnowaty,
:.......::::::::::::::: ::::::::: nie wiedziaîem co to taty.
::::::::: przyjaciele wesoîego diabîa.
::::::::: (funny devil`s friends again).
::::::::: starring in tomasz wisniewski`s film
::::::::: based on piotr klimek`s novel named:
_____| _____|_ _____|_:::::::: _|_____
.\ ||_____\ __|/___ \ __|/__________|___ /_
| _ ||_ | _|___/_| \ | | ___ | |
|____|| _______| ______| | \_/_|_____|
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|_____| __ |____\ /____| ______| |
/|_____|/____| az0!/sea |_____| /|_____|
|::::::::: | | |
_____|_ _____|_:::::::: |__ _____|
.\ ___|/_____\ |/___:::::__|_/___.\ ||____
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|_____|__ _______| \/ __ |____\/____|| _|
/|____\ /|_____|/____| ||____\
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_____| _|_____ ____ | _|___________|_
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|_____| __ |___________| __ |___________| \|
/|_____\/____|\:::::::: /|_____|/____|\ /|_____\
| |::::::::: | | |
::::::::: negative s k i n color.
::::::::: you`re not right. die.
::: .. ::
_ _:_( /||\ )_:_ _
: · ·· · :
_ ____ _____· ______ _____ : _____ ______ ___
____ ______ _ \ __\ \ / /_\ /______ _\ \ / /_ / /______
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/__\_____/_______/__ /____/______\ ___\_____/___ /____/______\ ___ / /
. . · /
_ _:___ __ __ __ ___:_ _ diP/a! ·
· //__)(__)(__\\ ·
01. bbs shits as always.
02. dot asylum and spiritual sign.
03. authors announce.
04. title of course.
05. contents - you are here =)
06. init, wise words or introduction if you like.
07. index and new action banner.
08. negative skin color part 1. hosted by thung/k0re.
09. messages and announcement.
10. sative mea actual news section.
11. negative skin color part 2. hosted by azzaro/sative mea
12. azzaro`s history with cool tommy`s logo.
13. credits. who is who in this business.
14. little statistics.
15. commercial business.
16. end of the road.
17. file_id.diz
18. bbs shits for sure...
.________ _______ ::::::\\ I N I T · ____
| / __/______/_ _____ :____. ________ ,______. _______\ /
ð _ / Y \l |/_ _____/_ _i |_ _\
l______\\\________ ¦ \ · \_ _/_ _,-`
/_______\ _7_______ / 7//______\ sea!
·:\_____\ :::: ·/____/ _____/ -x6L
::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-----------------------------//--:::::::::--\\ ----- ---- --- -- -_______. . .
hello xxxx xxxxxxxx : . . . . . .::::::::: . . . . . . . . . _ _// \\_ _
:::::::::: also something mo .\\ __ _ __ //.
xxxxx dear xxxxxxxx . . . . . . :::::::::: re to read or ano .\_ ' ` _/.
: ::::::::: ther damn scroll. . (\___) (___/) .
xxxxx xxxx watchers : . . . . . .::::::::: er formatted to .tG! )`-' `-'(. .
:::::::::: the column forma.k0! \ -=- /. .
xxxxx dear xxxxxxxx . . . . . . :::::::::: t. if you want t. . . \\_____// . .
: ::::::::: o read interesti. .\--=--\_/--=--/.
hello dear watchers : . . . . . .::::::::: ng things then g. .)\ (_) /(.
:::::::::: et out of here a. / _\\ / \ //_ \
welcome to another sative mea release.:::: nd start to read. \ \ / \ / /
this time we want to present one more:::: real introductio. / / \\__/ \ \
time polish ascii duo - azzaro and:::: n with some mess. `-//\___ ___/\\-'
thung on their newest trip to the land:::: ages for non pol. . . / `-' \ . .
of wicked small dots and lines named:::: ish makers. bye.. . _ ) _ ( _ .
simply "negative skin color". another:::: looooookin` nice. . (__\__l__/__) .
co operation, this time under sative:::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
mea label for sure....... blah! stop::ok, here`s azzaro on line after
the official tone now!. :::::::reading "the ascii charts issue
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::07/99". haha, just the holy god knows
t h i s w a y p l e a s e >>>:::::::what kind of bullshit is this serie.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::another portion of fucks for polish
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::asciis and ascii makers in "aaargh, we
. . . _ ________________ . . . :::::::are germans, we don`t like polish
. . .| | ._ \\. . . :::::::asciis" style =) hey, neurodancer and
. . _| | I | |_ . . :::::::dippi - if you don`t like whole asciis
. . | l___l | . . :::::::from poland then just DON`T WRITE
. . | _| . . :::::::ABOUT IT. simply, eh? the only
. . \ ______ _ _ ______ / . . :::::::result of this reviews is... smile on
. . .\| \. ./ |/. . . :::::::my face. yes, i laugh at whole ascii
. . __| _| |_ |__ . . :::::::charts idea. please, don`t watch
. . \ l_ '|_|` _l / . . :::::::polish asciis, don`t write about them
. . _\ \______l l______/ /_ . . :::::::and simply try to start pasture cows
. . \__ T_____T __/ . . :::::::or something against being the only
. . . | / \ | . . . :::::::authoritative ascii scene experts...
. .tG!|_ |¯ ¯| _| . . . :::::::there`s no compromises - if you like
. . k0!\.l___________l./. . . . :::::::polish ascii collections or not -
. . . . | T T | . . . . :::::::we`ll always release another ones one
. . . . ¦ l________ | ¦ . . . . :::::::by one again and again. for sure.
. . . . . . . .| _l | . . . . . :::::::and please stop talking bull shits,
. . . . . . . .l____l . . . . . :::::::ok? i`ve got nothing more to add.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::this is last time when i waste my time
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::for watching "tac" serie. it`s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::childish and damn unobjective. bye
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< h e r e :::::::bye little germans... sorry goes to
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::darkus - i know you`re one of tac
also - what can you see in this colly?::editors but you`re most objective one.
another part of my "damn unstylish"::thanks, lee! . . . . . . . . . . . . .
unreadable logos and of course some of:::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
newest logos from thung. really much::after renton`s hdd crash he`s out of
nicer and more readable than mine. :::::bussiness for a long time and
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::everything seems like i become
t h i s w a y p l e a s e >>>:::::::temporary sative mea organiser. blah,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::i hate this job. being organiser of
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::the group is the worst scene job for
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::sure. nevermind - look at our newest
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::releases and "autumn`99 attack" - new
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::action connected with improved
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::productivity of all members (really?
after all it`s dedicated to::=). ah, where are you twister and
opi/plastic^weed smokers for being a::revi???. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
cool scener and totally wicked guy.:::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
you`re great, emil. greetings to your::message to acid (polish only):
kato-sister =) . . . . . . . . . :::::::areczku, dlaczego sie stresujesz?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::tylko ci cisnienie skacze
t h i s w a y p l e a s e >>>:::::::niepotrzebnie. po co sie mieszasz w
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::cudze spory, w dodatku w chwili, kiedy
. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . :::::::sie juz dawno zakonczyly i wszystko
. . . . . . (\_,_/_). . . . . . :::::::sobie wyjasniono? naprawde nie ma sie
. . . . . . _(.. )_ . . . . . . :::::::o co droczyc. a w sprawie klotni o
. . . . . _Y - _ Y_ . . . . . :::::::kropki i waznosc grup, to prosze sie
. . . .tG!\l____'__l/k0!. . . . :::::::zwrocic do patryka kalinowskiego,
. . . . . ) /`---'(. . . . . . :::::::oficjalnego organizera grupy. poza
. . . . . (\/ . \/) . . . . . . :::::::tym x-ball nic ci nie zrobil, a ty sie
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::zachowujesz co najmniej tak, jakby ci
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::zabil rodzine. wiecej luzu, wiecej
that`s it. so sad but there`s no::usmiechu! przeciez slonko jeszcze tak
thung around now. blah, nevermind.::wysoko... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hope you`ll be sattisfied when you:::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
watch it, piotrus =) . . . . . . ::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
t h i s w a y p l e a s e >>>:::::::bye for now & best regards from poland
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . signed by
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::tomcio paluch aka azzaro (personally)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: . . . . zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
. . . . . . . . . . .¸. µ JÞ µ, µ::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and
. . . . . . . . .µ q#¸ #K #° ¶1dØ:::::piotrus niunia aka thung (cut & paste)
. . . . . . .¬# Ø1 ¬¶" " J1:::::: .thung@babcia.chujek.univ.mielno.pl
. . . . , J#, 0¹ _µææØØØØ#m_:::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . µ¸ 0Þ " µæØØØØØØØØØØØØ#:::
. ._ ¬ñ ¬" µØØØØ#¶"" ¬"#,:::
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. . zbr!s3a .____¶&_____ J1______:___ ____________
. . . ______\ _/___ ____\ ____/____ ____\ _ /____
. . . | \_____ | ______| _ |
. . . ·----\_______________!------\_____________!---------/__________!
. . . . . . .___._. . . . . . . :::|_|_:: _ ___
. . . . . . .\__. . . . . . . . :::::|::: __/
. . . . . ._/\ /_ wicked knights of small lines. sept 1999 \ /\_
. . . . . . _ \\/ nice ascii logos from prime ascii makers // _
. . . . . . .\/ . . . . . . . . :::::|::: \/
. . . . . . . . . . . . . starring in new expension
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::_|_::
. . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . :::::| |: _
. . . . . . . . . . .\ ______________| |______________ /
. . . . . . . . . . __\\ | | //__
. . . . . . . . . . | _\ | | /_ |
. . . . . . . . . . | B A C K o n T O P ! |
. . . . . . . _ /_ | | | |
. . . .____ / \ _____ _____ | | _____ _____
.. ... \\ _/___/_|_ \\__ \_ __) / .... \\ __ \_\\ __ \_ .... ..... ... .
: : /_ /___ /_ |//_ /____/_ /__ //_ /_ /| /_ | /_ : : : : : :
: :.. /___ | /_|\ /__| /__| /_ .. /___ /__| /_ .: :...: :.: :.
. . . . .`-----'__ `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'
. . . . . /_____)|____\\ _ /____/\_____ dz\a!
. . . . . . . . . . | / __ __ \ _________ _________
. .. ... ..... ....... ......... / /_ _\ \\ ___ \_\\ __ \_ .. .
. .: : : : : : : : / / / \ /_ _\| /_ /_______/ : :
. .: :.: :...: :.....: :...... /_______\ /_____/_____` /_____\ ......: :.
. . . . . . . . . . . /__________\ _ `-------'
. . . . . . . . . . |_____ \ _____|
. . . . . . . . . . ||___//__________| |__________\\___||
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::|_|:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::
. . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::
. . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::"Hmmmm... I don't know... One one
. . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::hand, it's a quite nice idea to do
. . . . . . . . . . :::::::::style alphabets. (Although this
. . . . . . . . . :::::::::idea is not new, some pc ansi
. . . . . . . . :::::::::artists did this already in 1995).
. . . . . . . :::::::::One the other hand, it is the start
. . . . . . :::::::::of the death of amiga ascii. If
. . . . . :::::::::every artist do this, there will be
. . . . :::::::::no need in future collies; every
. . . :::::::::artist will do one colly with his
. . :::::::::style, and no further collies filled
. :::::::::with requests will be needed. This
:::::::::vision horrifies me. This is no way
:::::::::! But, i think, just now is no
:::::::::reason to worry. No one will use
:::::::::such construction kits to build
:::::::::logos, i think and hope... But
:::::::::because some of these styles are
:::::::::quite nice, this colly will get its
:::::::::five points."
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::::"I love it. I don't know what
:::::::::language this is supposed to be,
:::::::::czech or polish or smorebrod or
:::::::::whatever, I don't speak it. I can't
:::::::::read a thing of the intro except
:::::::::tons of strange characters that
:::::::::remind me of *really* old "elite"
:::::::::BBS scene days. :) The collection
:::::::::is styled funny. The creator must
:::::::::be an insane shithead from mars.
:::::::::Between each and every logo there's
:::::::::the *complete* index of the
:::::::::collection. Thats a way to make a
:::::::::collection grow, too. Hey, does it
:::::::::make your dick get harder if the
:::::::::collection is over 100 kb this way?
:::::::::Stupid, no regret to say that. I
:::::::::think if this would be left out the
:::::::::collection would be about 40kB
:::::::::instead of 130kB or so. The logos
:::::::::itself would be quite nice, they're
:::::::::all using a very strict set of
:::::::::characters that have much of a
:::::::::"font" feeling, but then again, the
:::::::::style has so many sharp edges and
:::::::::ruff corners that it looks very
:::::::::unfinished to me. All in all: darn
:::::::::fucking foreign texted bullshit.
:::::::::Forget it. - nD/1oo%"
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::::"Hmmmm... its just as if I
:::::::::re-loaded "sea-dobm" or is my
:::::::::harddrive defective?! - nD/1oo%"
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::::"Big big 400k pile of unstylish
:::::::::shit. Nearly all logos are extreme
:::::::::ugly and I wonder how someone like
:::::::::Azzaro draws since the early 90's
:::::::::and still have such a style. The
:::::::::only thing i like are the old Acid
:::::::::logos at the front. - diP/a!"
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::::"Yeah, this is a little bit nicer
:::::::::than the averange SEA productions.
:::::::::Blaze (it's his 3rd colly in May)
:::::::::found a nicer style than in the last
:::::::::two ones. Azzaro's style is too
:::::::::unreadable I think... But all in
:::::::::all a quite ok collection. -
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::::"Hehe, you can call this one 'How to
:::::::::hide the text in a colly behind some
:::::::::senseless crap chars'. NO, I do not
:::::::::mean the logos ! I mean the whole
:::::::::random chars in the colly,
:::::::::simulating floats of text. Someone
:::::::::might think "Oh, many polish text
:::::::::again", but it's only some randomly
:::::::::set chars like sldk fopewr0349n
:::::::::2850924 uerffd s-flnp4o
:::::::::2094++-*^:l3me. Funny idea, Azzaro,
:::::::::word up ! But, even if the logos
:::::::::aren't THAT nice, the colly pleases
:::::::::through nice and innovative design.
:::::::::- diP/a!"
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::::"Well, the same thing as in
:::::::::sea-dcry.txt... Nice design, funny
:::::::::texts (I tried to read it with a
:::::::::dictionary), but the same
:::::::::unreadability problems with the
:::::::::logos like in the last colly. -
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::::"Wow, Azzaro was not lazy this
:::::::::month. Well, the same as in the two
:::::::::previous Azzaro collies: nice
:::::::::design, dubious style... - diP/a!"
::::::::: i don`t care...
:::::::: but who really cares?
::::::::: ________
___. ._________ :::::._______ ______ \ /_______
_____\__|__________ | /_______|_ /___\ __/_________ \_ /
_\ \| / _/ _) / / \.
/_______________\ \ \. \ ____________| \.____ / |
kn^dkb \____________|________\:: |___________| \_______|
::::::::: _
_ _:::::::::______ _ __|_______________________
______________________|__ _ ___\:::::::::_ . . . . |
| . . . . :::::::::/. . . . . | azzaro section online.
thung section online. | . . . . ::::::::: . . . . . |-----------------------
----------------------| . . . . ::::::::: . . . . . | http://www.azzaro.now!
http://www.thung.now! | . . . . ::::::::: . . . . . |
| . . . . ::::::::: ------------------ amber alien .20
01. decree -------------------- ::::::::: ----------------------- apathy .21
02. sative mea ---------------- ::::::::: ----------------------- azzaro .22
03. sative mea.diz------------- ::::::::: ------------------------ borys .23
04. floppy.diz ---------------- ::::::::: ----------------------- darkus .24
05. floppy -------------------- ::::::::: ----------------------- decree .25
06. potion -------------------- ::::::::: ------------------------ dione .26
07. mystic.diz ---------------- ::::::::: ------------------------ equal .27
08. letter -------------------- ::::::::: ------------------------- evan .28
09. hash ---------------------- ::::::::: ------------------- flashbacks .29
10. ash! ---------------------- ::::::::: ------------------------ fluid .30
11. jim ----------------------- ::::::::: ----------------------- frozen .31
12. abc pack by pht ----------- ::::::::: ------------------ frozen pack .32
13. hash records -------------- ::::::::: ------------------------- kure .33
14. maq ----------------------- ::::::::: ----------------------- leunam .34
15. ascii --------------------- ::::::::: ------------------------- mawi .35
16. linear.diz ---------------- ::::::::: --------------------- mawi.diz .36
17. absurd -------------------- ::::::::: ------------------------ monar .37
18. acid ---------------------- ::::::::: ------------------------ moons .38
19. adam ---------------------- ::::::::: ---------------------- network .39
_______________________________ ::::::::: ------------------------ ozone .40
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: -------- rave network overscan .41
/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: -------------- rno music label .42
/// - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: ---------------- save da vinyl .43
__ \___- . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: ------------------------ speed .44
./ \./- - . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: ------------------------ thung .45
/ \ - - - . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: -------------------- twist off .46
\____/ - - - - . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: ----------------------- voicer .47
__ \- - - - - . . . . . . . . ::::::::: ------------------------- void .48
` //- - - - - - . . . . . . . ::::::::: ------------------------ weeds .49
____/ tG!.k0 - - - - . . . . . . ::::::::: ------------------------ zetec .50
- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ::::::::: ------------------------- zito .51
- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . ::::::::: ------------------------- zomo .52
- - - - - - - - - - - - /\. . . ::::::::: __________________________________
- - - - - - - - - - - -/ \ . . ::::::::: that`s all f i f t y T W O
- - - - - - - - - - - / \- . :::::::::. . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- _____ ______- - - -/ \ - -= L O G O ) =-. . . . . ./. . . . . . .
-¦ T \ - _________ ·_____:::::: . _________ ______/ . . . . . . .
-| | \\/ _ /_/ _/_______ ./ _ // __/______ _ __ . .
-· l_ \_ \ \_ \T \ \_____ / \. .
-l___//__/_______/ ___ _7 _l__ _ _ 7 /. \ .
- - - - - - - - /________\ / \\_______\_ /_______/ /// /: _l .
- - - - - - - -/ _ /_______\·:::::- - - - - - . ./______///______\. .
- - - - - - - /____\` ` ` ` ` ` :::\:::::- - - - - - - / . . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - ` ` ` ` ` ` ::::·::::- - - - - - -·- - . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` :::::::::- - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` :::::::::- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . .
- - - - - ` ` ` ` `_|_____` ` `_|___________|_ - - ____-|- - - - . . . . . .
- - - - ` ` ` `____\|____ |_____|___ /\ ____|/_____\ /_|____- - - . . . . .
- - - ` ` ` ` | | \_/ | ___ | | \_/ | ___ | _|___/_.- - - . . . .
- - ` ` ` ` ` |_ |______ \_/_|___________| \______| |- - - - . . .
- ` ` ` ` ` ` `/____|\` ` |_____|\ az0!/sea/|_____\- - /|_____|- - - - - . .
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | ` ` ` ` ` |::::::::- -|- - - - - -|- - - - - - - - - .
. ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `_|_____ _____|::- - _____|_ - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `____\|____ |\ ||_____\ __|/___- - - - - - - - - - `
. . . ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | | \_/ | _ ||_ | _|___/_.- - - - - - - - ` `
. . . . ` ` ` ` ` ` |_ |__________|| _______| |- - - - - - - ` ` `
. . . . . ` ` ` ` ` `/____|\` ` :::::||____\ - - /|_____|- - - - - - ` ` ` `
. . . . . . ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | ` ` ::::::|::- - - - -|- - - - - - - - ` ` ` ` `
. .____ | . . ` ` `_|_____ _____|_:::::____-|- - - _____|_ - - - ` `|`____ `
. .\ /_|__________\|____ |\ ___|/_____\ /_|____-.\ __|/___- _____|_\ /.`
. | _| | | \_/ | | | _|___/_| _|___/_| ___ | |`
. |____/| ___ |___________|__ _______| ______| | \_/_|_____|`
. . . /_|____\ /____|\` ` ` ` `/|____\::: /|_____|- - /|___________|\ ` ` `
. . . . | . . . . . | . ` ` ` ` |::::::::- -|- - - - - `| az0!/sea |` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . . `____ |::::::_____|_ - - - ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ /_|______\ _|/____ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . . | | ___ | \| |` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . . |_____|_\_/ ______|___ _|` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -/|_____|::- /|____\ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - |::::::::- `|` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - :::::::::` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - :::::::______` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - |-----| |_` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - | __|_ |` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. __ _ __ ___ ____- _____ -_|__| | |. ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. . || || || || || || |___|______|. . ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
. ._||_||__||___||____||_____||______| | . . . . . ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
._______. . - - - - - - - - - - :::|---+-| s e r i a l k i l l e r . ` `
_|_ __|____ - _______ - - - - :::::::|_______________ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
|____ ______|--|_ |_______|-------| _ |_____________________
.|· _ ·|· _ | | __ ·|________ _|
.|----|_________| _ ·|· _______|· || ||| |
. - - az0!/sea |------|_______|_______| |______||------|__________ |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :::::::· | ·|
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :::::::| |----|
s h o c k y o u a l l s u c k a z .:||
:::::||| t h u n 9
::::::|| _
| : |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / decree |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
. .
.___ ______ ____ . .
_____l /_ _l ___/______ _l //___ ____________
Y __ Y _/ / Y __// Y \\______ _____ ___ __ _
\¦ ____l____\ ______ decree \ _
7______\ \________l \____7 ______. ______ \/ ______
tG!.k0 ___ ________ _\ l__ _l ___/______ _l ___/______
_ __ ___ ____________// \ _ Y __ Y _/ / Y _/ / Y
. . \/ l_ |/____l____\ \
. . /___l \_____________\\________7
· ·
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / sative mea |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
| |
l |
| |
| l
| |
l |
| |
| l
_____| |_____
__/ l l \__
l______________ ______________l
¾½¼| Y |¾½¼
| | | |
| | __ | |
__| | || __ | l__
\ _l || || l_ /
__\ \___`'__ __`'___/ /__
/ ____\ (_ _) /____ \
/_ /_ ' ` _\ _\
)_ )_______ _______( _(
| | | Y | | |
_______________ | | | | | | | _______________
/ \| | ¦ ¦ ¦ | |/ \
/_ | | ` : ' | | _\
) : `\___________/' : (
| . ./ \. . |
| | . : . | |
| | ¦ ¦ ¦ | |
| ¼ l___l__l__l___l ¼ |
| ¼Y¼ `| |' ¼Y¼ |
| tG!| l___ ___l |lA! |
_____| `---' :
__\ ___/_______ _____ ._____
Y \\___ /_ ____\_ //_ _l /___ ___ ___ ______
l_____ / Y __ Y _____/_ _l /_ ____| /_ _l ___/___________
/____________ \¦ ___l____ \ Y Y /l Y _/ / Y
/______\\ \_______l______l__ ' ______\ tG!.k0
/_______\ \_____________7
/\ __ ___ ______ _____
______ / \____________ _/_ ___l Y /___ _l ___/_____ __________ ____\_ //_
\/ Y / Y Y _/ / \ _ Y __ Y
s a t i v e m e a ! l_ l_ \__l _____\ \/ ._ \¦ ___l
________________________/_ /_____| _l \__________________l/______\\
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / sative mea.diz |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
__\ ___/____ _ ______
Y \\___ //_ _l ___/_____ _____
l_____ / Y _/ / //_ ____\_ //_
/ ____________\ Y __ Y
____/__ tG!.k0 \\__________ \¦ ___l
\ / 7_______\\
\/ [SATIVE MEA] ascii collection release
\\ [ \ \1999]
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / floppy.diz |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
______ _____ _ _____.
_l ___/__ _l /___ _\\ l__
| _/ / Y _// Y __ Y
| \ _____\ ___ \_____l
l \\___l \____l/_____l
k0\ floppy presents
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / floppy |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
______ _____ ______ ______.
_l ___/__ _l /___ _l /__ _\ l__ _ ______. ___ __.
| _/ / Y _// l __ Y __ _ _ _\ l__ _\ Y l__ ___ __ _
| \ _____\ _____ __ \_____ Y __ Y l Y
l \\___l \____l /_______l/_____l l___ \_____l__ __ _l___ __ _
\ tG! /_____l k0 \\_____\
\ .f l o p p y.
\\______________ ___ __ _ _ _
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / potion |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
______. ______ ____ ___ ______ _______
_\ l__ _l /__ _\ l_ __ _l /__ _l /__ _\ _/__ _____ __ _
| __ Y __ l _// Y Y __ Y \/ Y
l_ \_____l____ l ________l____ _____7 _
/_____l /_______7__________l / tG!.k0l l_____l_____ __ _
/ .o[ potion ]o.
//________________________ ___ __ _
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / mystic.diz |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
___ ___ ______ ____
_\ Y _/__ __\ ___/___ _\ l_ __ ___ __ _
| \/ Y \\___ Y _// Y
l___\ _ _____ / l tG!.k0
Y_____l / / 7 _ __ ____7___ __ _
/ l
/ .o mystic o.
/ presents
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / letter |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
._____ ______ .____ /
_l //____ _l ___/_________ _l //___ .____
__/ Y _/ / Y _____/_ _l //___ ______ _____.
____ \ _____\ l@tt@r _____ \ Y _____/_ _l ___/___ _\\ l__
\________l \\__________l \____________ \ Y _/ / Y __ Y
tG!\ \____________\ |/____l
k0\ ] from : \\_____7____l
\ ] to :
\ ] date :
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / hash |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
\ ___ ____ _
_\\ Y //_ _____ ______ _ ___ ____ /
_l l /_ ____\_ /_ __\ ___/_______ _\\ Y //_
Y __ Y __ Y \\___ /__l l /_
l____ \¦ ______ \¦ _________ / __ Y
//__l___\ l______\\ /_________7____ \¦ _____|_
tG!.k0 //__l___\
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / ash! |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____ __\ ___/____ __ ___
___\_ //_ _\ \\___ //_ _l Y _/__
Y __ Y / Y - \/ Y
\¦ ____l_____//_____________7
7_____\\ l_____7
tG!.k0 \_
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / jim |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
\ _ /______
\ \/ \ _ /
\_ \/_/
| |
| |
___l__ __l___
.) Y (.
| ! | ! |
| | |
_____ | | _____
_____\ _ | | ` ' | | _ /_____
\ \\/ | | | | \// /
__\ | | _____ | | /__
| \\ _| | `---' | |_ // |
| /_\ \ : : / /_\ |
| \\_________// |
| ___. ___ __ ___ ¦
¦ _\ l_ _l /_ ___l Y /___ :
: Y Y Y Y .
. __| _________ \__l |
l_ l ___\ /_____| _|
/______l tG!.k0 l_____\
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / abc pack |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____ / ___
____\_ //___ _\\ l______ _____ /
Y __ Y /_ _l //______ ______________
__ \¦ ____ ___ Y __// Y //
/_______\\ /____ ¦/ ____________ _ /
//______\ \\______7____// tG! /
/ k0. /___________________ _
phase truce presents / _/
abc pack iss\_le .xx. / code. ace of phase truce
/ gfx. kro ??? ;]
_ _ __ ___ ________________// music. kro ??? ;]
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / hash records |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
______ _________
\ _ // //
\ \/ /
\ ____ ____ /
l__ _|_ __l
_\l___ ___l/_
_ Y \ |`-'| / Y
\ ___ ____ | l_O_l | _
_\\ Y //_ __l__ ______ | _ ___ ____ /
_l l /_ ____\_ /_ __\ ___/_l_____ _\\ Y //_
tG!Y __ Y __ Y \\___ /__l l /_
_l____ \¦ ______ \¦ _________ / __ Yk0.
//__l___\ l______\\ /_________7____ \¦ _____|_
. ] ] r e c O r d s [ [ .
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / maq |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
__ __ _
___l Y //___ _ _____ \ ________
Y //_ ____\_ //_ ___\ //_
__ \__l Y __ Y /_
/_____| ____ \¦ ____ __ Y
l_____\ l_______\\ /____ \¦ _____l
tG!//__ /__\k0
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / ascii |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
. · .
_____ ______ · ·
____\_ //_ __\ ___/_______ ____ : :
Y __ Y \\___ /_ _l //____ .___ .___
\¦ ___l_____ / Y __// /_ _l /_ _l /_
7_______\\ /__________l_____ Y Y Y
tG!.k0 \______l_____________l
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / linear.diz |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
___ ___ ___
_( _/_____ _____(_ /_l Y
________Y Y ___ ____|
tG!.k0 l___________ (/____l___|
l____/ |
[xx/xx/1999] | Y
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / absurd |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____ ___. ______
____\_ //_ _\ l_____ __\ ___/_______ ___ ______. .___
Y __ Y __ Y \\___ /_ _\ |____ _\ l__ _____l /_
\¦ ___l____ ¦/ ______ / Y |\ Y __ Y __ |
7_______\\ /______l /__________l__ ` __ |/_____ \¦ ____l
tG!.k0 /________l/___l l______\
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / acid |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____\_ //_ __.____
Y __ Y l //___ .___ .___
\¦ ____ __// /_ _l /_ _____l /_
7_______\\ l______ Y Y __ |
\_____________ \¦ ____l
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / adam |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____ .___ _____ __ ___
____\_ //_ _____l /_ ____\_ //_ ___l Y /___
Y __ Y __ Y __ Y Y
\¦ ____ \¦ _____ \¦ _____ \__l |
7_______\\ l______\ l_______\\ /_____| _|
___.___ _______ _______ ::_______
/ ! \_/ _____) \ ____)____\ ____)____
/ _ _ _/_____\_____ \_____
/ \ / \ __ \ __ \
\_____Y \ \ ________.
l_____ zZ! \_______ \___________\___ |
::::::::: _ |
- at first please don`t blame us for wasting/ / |
the disk space. we always want to do an \___ _______
collection with big amount of dots between /_____/ _____)__
each section. all in all i think it still \_ |
looks nice; ::::::::: |
::::::::: _______
- message to thing - aaah! you forgot to finish at ____/ _____)
least half of your logos. i had to fix`em with adding _/______.
your tag and format whole logos. so much work =); \ |
::::::::: |
- musical inspiration by michal zebrowski and anna maria jopek - ________
"wspomnienie". really atmospheric sounds. nothing interesting \ _____)__
for non poles but dippi can uderstand something (with using \_____
your magic dictionary, hehe =); ::::::: __ \
::::::::: \
- last minute greetings goes to covenat/link124. he`ll be back! \_________
______ :::::::::
__\ ___/______ _ _____ .____:/:::azzarorentonrevitwisterx-ballzabora
Y \\___ //_ ____\_ //_ _l //___:: ___ ___ ______
l_____ / Y __ Y _____/_:_l /_ ____| /_ _l ___/________
/___________ \¦ ___l____ \ Y Y /l Y _/ / /_
_/ 7_______\\ \_______l______l__ ' _____\ sative Y
__ ___ ______ ::::::::: /________7 \\__________l
tG! ___l Y /___ _l ___/_______:::::: _____
k0. Y Y _/ / //_:____\_ //_ ________ _______ ___ _
l_ \__l _____\ mea Y __ Y // /
/_____| _l \\____________ \¦ ___l______/ //________ ___ _
l_____\ :::::7_______\\
- Guest release by Thung/K0re in co-op with Azzaro (sea-skin.txt);
- Satieve Mea Autumn`99 Attack was started. Knights are on the way =)
- Update of the list - some summer ascii collies by Zabora added;
- We are looking for more members/boards woldwide!
[ o f f i c i a l r e l e a s e s t i l l n - o w ]
no | shortcut | full title | artist | date | lenght
ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[07 releases at all].
01 | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation | renton | 18/12/98 | 042.104
02 | sea-neon.txt | neon flow | azzaro | 15/12/98 | 074.000
03 | sea-orig.txt | origami | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 116.314
04 | sea-4a3.txt | 456 alien 3 | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 124.145
05 | sea-blue.txt | portrait out of the blue | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 106.000
06 | sea-pulv.txt | pulverturm | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 108.000
07 | sea-jtkn.txt | jak to kurwa nazwac? | zabora | 10/12/98 | 021.550
ONE-NINE-NINE-NINE]. .[27 releases till now].
08 | sea-1pos.txt | 100 percent of shit | renton | 10/01/99 | 022.858
09 | sea-1999.txt | najnhundretnajntynajn | renton | 11/01/99 | 048.361
10 | sea-fngr.txt | finger | zabora | 16/02/99 | 050.777
11 | sea-zero.txt | zero remix | azzaro | 27/02/99 | 183.000
12 | sea-psyl.txt | psilocybe semilanceta | zabora | 03/03/99 | 105.352
13 | sea-ck01.txt | construction kit 01 | azzaro | 06/03/99 | 047.733
14 | sea-pead.txt | peanut head | renton | 05/04/99 | 080.548
15 | sea-dobm.txt | dobberman | azzaro | 06/04/99 | 100.000
16 | sea-kore.txt | klubbhead loop 89 | a+a+k+z | 25/04/99 | 400.000
17 | sea-time.txt | timelessness | renton | 03/05/99 | 048.663
18 | sea-mysl.txt | myôl | revi | 05/05/99 | 224.774
19 | sea-nwor.txt | new order | x-ball | 10/05/99 | 112.547
20 | sea-pace.txt | peace | renton | 13/05/99 | 060.927
21 | sea-mlem.txt | morning lemon | az0+tøn | 16/05/99 | 100.436
22 | sea-agpa.txt | age of panic | renton | 21/05/99 | 068.808
23 | sea-dcry.txt | diskocit. rocks u bitch | azzaro | 06/06/99 | 192.593
24 | sea-celi.txt | the celebration of the. | renton | 14/06/99 | 080.000
25 | sea-adia.txt | aqua di azor | azzaro | 20/06/99 | 250.000
26 | sea-xfl9.txt | ex-factor lite 99 | azzaro | 27/06/99 | 117.541
27 | sea-cdn.txt | counting down [g] | darkus | 05/07/99 | 036.837
28 | sea-garf.txt | garden my flies | x-ball | 07/07/99 | 156.007
29 | sea-qntm.txt | quantum the colly | zabora | 07/07/99 | 050.995|
30 | sea-alis.txt | alice on da second side..| az0+tøn | 15/07/99 | 139.710
31 | sea-ubik.txt | ubik | zabora | 30/08/99 | 103.101
32 | sea-8mpf.txt | 8mm multiplastikk asc²form azzaro | 01/09/99 | 140.000
33 | sea-boso.txt | boxed set one | x-ball | 24/09/99 | 137.347
34 | sea-skin.txt | negative skin color | az0+thung | 27/09/99 | 182.000
total number of collections: 034::::::::: total lenght in bytes: 003.760.345
::::::::: [ s - t a t i s t i c s ]
actual members productivity:
azzaro ---------- 15 ascii collections, 12 own made, 03 cooperations
renton ---------- 10 ascii collections, 08 own made, 02 cooperations
revi ------------ 01 ascii collections, 01 own made, 00 cooperations
twister --------- 00 ascii collections, 00 own made, 00 cooperations
x-ball ---------- 03 ascii collections, 03 own made, 00 cooperations
zabora! --------- 06 ascii collections, 05 own made, 01 cooperations
guest collections released:
acid ------------ 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
darkus ---------- 01 ascii collection, 01 own made, 00 cooperation
kempy ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
thung ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
::::::::: [ c - o n t a c t ]
azzaro - tommy wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75-814 koszalin · poland
::::::::: e-mail: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
renton - pat kalinowski · p.o.box 3 · 21-200 parczew · poland
revi - sly ostruszka · sw. jerzego 7a/17 · 43-400 cieszyn · poland
::::::::: e-mail: revi@mailcity.com
twister - bart ptaszynski · robotnicza 2 · 14-530 frombork · poland
x-ball - mark nowacki · dabrowskiego 66/7 · 41-500 chorzow · poland
zabora - gregor zaborowski · balonowa 5/17 · 54-129 wroclaw · poland
::::::::: e-mail: zabora@kret.ifd.uni.wroc.pl
call SEA polish headquarter: DA SECT BBS - +48-91-4879493
look oficial SEA web page: http://kret.ifd.uni.wroc.pl/sea
typed by renton'sative mea, psychikal kreation
::::_\ |
:::| |
__________ :::| |
_\\. / :::| ._________
| | ________|__ /
| __. __\__ | / ___/_
__ ____|____ _( |_____( _. \_ ·/ _( _ \_ ______
o | || | //_ l_ /_ | /_ / /_ /____/_ | o
_\|__||___ | l__ ` l__ ` l | l__ ` l ____|/_
| . `-----' `-----' | / `-----'
| | _ ::: \ · / |
/________\\ dz\a! :::| \ / | " i love techno "
:::| \ / |
___. _____ _____ :__| \ _____ _____
___ _( |____( _ \__( \__( | __(_ \__( _. \_ ________ ___
| //_ ____/_ /____/_ /____/_ _ /_ \_ /_ | /_ \:| |
o | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | o
_\|____l__ ` l__ ` l__ ` l | _l__| ` l__ ` l ______||___|/_
`-----' `-----' `-----' |----' `------' `-----'
. |:::::
| __|:::::
|________\ ::::::
_|_____ _|___________|_ ____ |
____\|____ |_____|___ /\ ____|/_____\ /_|____
| | \_/ | ___ | | \_/ | ___ | _|___/_.
|_ |______ \_/_|___________| \______| |
/____|\ |_____|\ az0!/sea/|_____\ /|_____|
| |:::::::: | |
____ | :_____|_: _|_____
.\ /_|____ :\ _|/ ________\|____ |
| _|___/_| / |¯\ | | \_/ |
|_____| ______| ___ |_____|
/|_____|::::/|____\ /____|\
| ::::::|:: |
____ | _|_____ _____|_:::::____ | _____|_ | ____
.\ /_|__________\|____ |\ ___|/_____\ /_|____ .\ __|/___ _____|_\ /.
| _| | | \_/ | | | _|___/_| _|___/_| ___ | |
|____/| ___ |___________|__ _______| ______| | \_/_|_____|
/_|____\ /____|\ /|____\::: /|_____| /|___________|\
| | |:::::::: | | az0!/sea |
____ |::::::_____|_
.\ /_|______\ _|/____
| | ___ | \| |
|_____|_\_/ ______|___ _|
/|_____|:: /|____\
|:::::::: |
________ __ _::::::::
-|--' ,_/___| ||_|:_:::::
________| __________ |__| ::|_|:::: __ ______
. _\ ___ /__\_ / _|________::::_________\_\\__ /
-|-,____\ / /___\ /:___\ ___ /___,-' /_ __________
/________// \_ //__\_____\ / __/ \_\ ____ /
|__ /____________ / \: /_____,--\______ '--' \ __ __
_ _ _| /___________\ /__________\\_\\_\
|_| |_||_ _ _ _ _| -FFF-:::::
/ |_| |_| |_||__ _::_:::::
| : |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / amber alien |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ ____|__ ____ | _____|_ _____|_
_____|___ /__\ | /____\ /_|______\ __|/___ | ____|/____
| ___ | | | ___ _|___/_| \_/ | ___ |
| \_/_|_________\_|_/ _______|_\_/ ______| ______| \|
|_____|\ /|____\ /|_____| /|_____| /|_____\
| | | | |
_|_____ ____ | |__ _____|_ _____|
_____|___ /_\ /_|_____ __|_/____\ __|/___ \ ||____
| ___ | | |___\_| __ _|___/_| _ ||_ |
| \_/_|___________| __ |____\/_____| _____|| _|
|_____|\az0!/sea /|_____\/____| /|_____| ||____\
| | | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / apathy |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ _|_____ _|_____ ____ | ____ | _____|_
_____|___ /_____\|____ |_____|___ /_\ /_|____ .\ /_|______\ _|/____
| ___ | | | \_/ | ___ | | _|___/_| _| | \| |
| \_/_|_______ |______ \_/_|___________| _____/| _______|___ _|
|_____|\ /____|\ |_____|\ /|_____| /_|____\ /|____\
| | | | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / azzaro |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ _|_____ _|_____ _|_____ _____|_ _|_____
_____|___ /_____\|__ /.____\|__ /._____|___ /_ ____|/_________\|____ |
| ___ | | | ___ | \_/ | ___ | \_/ |
| \_/_|_______ ___|_______ ___|______ \_/_|___________| \__ |_____|
|_____|\ /____|\ /____|\ |_____|\ /|_____\/____|\
| | | | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / borys |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____ | _|___________|_ _____|_ _____|_
.\ /_|__________\|____ | ____|/_____\ _|/_____\ ___|/____
| | ___ | | \_/ | \_/ | ___ | \| | | |
|_____|_\_/ __ |___________| \______|___ _______|__ _|
/|_____\/____|\ /|_____\ /|____\ /|____\
| az0!/sea | | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / darkus |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
| ____ _|_____ _____|_ _____|_ |__ _____|_
_____|_\ /______|___ /_ ____|/_____\ |/___ __| /____\ ___|/____
| ___ | | ___ | | \_/ | ___ | |_ /_.___\ | __ | |
| \_/_|______ \_/_|___________| \______| \/ | |____\/_____|__ _|
|_____|\ |_____|\ /|_____\ /|___________| /|____\
| | | | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / decree |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
| ____ _____|_ _____| ______|_ _____|_ _____|_
_____|_\ /.\ __|/___ .\ ___|_____\ ____|/_____\ __|/___ .\ __|/___
| ___ | | _|___/_| | | \_/ | ___ | _|___/_| _|___/_.
| \_/_|___________| ______| ______| \______| ______| |
|_____|\ /|_____| /|_____| /|_____\ /|_____| /|_____|
| | | | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / dione |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
| ____ |__ _|_____ _____| _____|_
_____|_\ /. __|_/___.____\|____ |\ ||_____\ __|/___
| ___ | |___\_| __ | \_/ | _ ||_ | _|___/_.
| \_/_|_______ |____\/_ |__________|| _______| |
|_____|\ /____| /____|\ ||____\ /|_____|
| az0!/sea | | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / equal |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____|_ _|_____ |__ _|_____ ____ |
.\ __|/___ ____\|____ | __| /_________|___ /_\ /_|_____
| _|___/_| | \_/ |___\ | __ ___ | | | |
|_____| __ __|______ |____\| \_/_|___________| |
/|_____|/--\_|_\ |_____| |_____|\ /|_____|
| | az0!/sea | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / evan |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____|_ __| _|_____ _____|
.\ __|/___ .___\ |__ ._____|___ /_\ ||____
| _|___/_|_ | /___| ___ | | _ ||_ |
|_____| |/____| | \_/_|__________|| _|
/|_____| |___________|\ ||____\
| | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / flashbacks |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ ____ | _|_____ _____|_ ____ |
____\| |\ /_|___________|___ /_\ ___|/_____\ /_|_____
| __|______ | | ___ | | | | _| |
|_ _|___\ |_____| | \_/_|___________|__ ______/| _|
/____|\ /|___________|\ /|____\ /_|____\
____ | _|_____ _____| _____|_ _____|_
.\ /_|___________|___ /_\ ___|______\ |/___ .\ ___|/____
| | ___ | ___ | | | | |_ /_| | |
|_____|_\_/ | \_/_|___________| ______| \/ ______|__ _|
/|___________|\ /|_____| /|_____| /|____\
| az0!/sea | | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / fluid |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|__________ | |__ |__ | ____
____\| /\ /_|_____ __| /___. __|_/___._____|_\ /.
| __|______ | |___\ | |___\_| __ ___ | |
|_ _|___\ |_____| |_______ |____\| \_/_|_____|
/____|\ /|___________| /____| |_____|\
| | | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / frozen |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|___________|_ _|_____ _|_____ _____|_ _____|
____\| | ____|/_________\|____ |____\|__ /.\ __|/___ .\ ||____
| __|______ \_/ | ___ | | \_/ | | | _|___/_| _ ||_ |
|_ _|___\ |_____| \__ |_______ ___|___________| _____|| _|
/____|\ /|_____\/____|\ /____|\ /|_____| ||____\
| | az0!/sea | | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / frozen pack |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|___________|_ _|_____ _|_____ _____|_ _____|
____\| | ____|/_________\|____ |____\|__ /.\ __|/___ .\ ||____
| __|______ \_/ | ___ | | \_/ | | | _|___/_| _ ||_ |
|_ _|___\ |_____| \__ |_______ ___|___________| _____|| _|
/____|\ /|_____\/____|\ /____|\ /|_____| ||____\
_|_____ _|_____ _____| _____|_az0!/sea |
____\|____ |_____|___ /_\ ___|______\ |/___
| | \_/ | ___ | | | | |_ /_.
|_ |______ \_/_|___________| ______| \/ |
/____|\ |_____|\ /|_____| /|_____|
| | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / kure |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____|_ |__ ______|_ _____|_
.\ |/___ __| /___\ ____|/_____\ __|/___
| |_ /_.___\ | __ \_/ | ___ | _|___/_.
|_____| \/ | |____\/_____| \______| |
/|___________| /|_____\ /|_____|
| az0!/sea | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / leunam |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____ | _____|_ |__ _____| _|_____ ____|__
.\ /_|______\ __|/___ __| /___.\ ||__________|___ /__\ | /___
| | | _|___/_.___\ | __ _ ||_ | ___ | | | |
|_____| ______| | |____\/____|| __ \_/_|_________\_|_/ _|
/|_____| /|___________| ||____\/_____|\ /|____\
| | az0!/sea | | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / mawi |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____|__ _|_____ _____|_ |__
._\ | /_________|___ /_\ _|/ ___ __|_/___.
| | ___ | / |¯\ |___\_| _|
|___\_|_/ __ \_/_|___________| ___ |____\
/|____\/_____|\ /|____\ /____|
| | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / mawi.diz |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____¦__ _¦____ ____¦_ ¦__
.\ | /_________|__ /_\ _|/ ___ __|_/__.
| · | | ___ | | / |¯\ |__\_| _|
|__\_|_/ __ \_/_|_________| ___ |___\
.---/|____\/_____|\-------/|____\ /___|----.
| ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ |
| m a d w i z a r d s 1 9 9 9 |
| |
| |
| |
| t o t a l m a g i c |
| |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / monar |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____|__ _|_____ _____| _|___________|_
._\ | /________\|____ |\ ||__________|___ /\ ____|/____
| | | | \_/ | _ ||_ | ___ | ¯| \_/ | ___ |
|___\_|_/ ___ |__________|| __ \_/_|___________| \|
/|____\ /____|\ ||____\/_____|\ /|_____\
| | | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / moons |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____|__ _|_____ _|_____ _____| _____|_
._\ | /________\|____ |____\|____ /\ ||_____\ ___|/____
| | | | \_/ | | \_/ _ ||_ | | |
|___\_|_/ ___ |_______ |__________|| _______|__ _|
/|____\ /____|\ /____|\ ||____\ /|____\
| | | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / network |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____| ____|_ ____ | _____|_ _|___________|_ ____|_
.\ ||____\ __|/___ .\ /_|___ .\ _|/ ______\|____ | ____|/_____\ |/___
| _ ||_ | _|___/_| _|__/_| / |¯\ | | \_/ | \_/ | ___ | |_ /_.
|____|| ______| ______| ______| ___ |___________| \_____| \/ |
||___\ /|_____| /|____| /|___\ /___|\ /|_____\ /|_____|
| | | | | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / ozone |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ _|_____ _|_____ _____| _____|_
____\|____ |____\|__ /.____\|____ |\ ||____ \ __|/___
| | \_/ | | | | \_/ | _ ||_ | _|___/_.
|_ |_______ ___|_______ |__________|| _______| |
/____|\ /____|\ /____|\ ||____\ /|_____|
| | | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / rave network overscan |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____|_ _|_____ __| _____|_
| ____|/__________|___ /____\ |__ .\ __|/___
| \_/ | ___ | ___ | __ | /___| _|___/_.
|_____| \ \_/_|_____\/____| ______| |
/|_____\_____|\ az0!/sea |_____| /|_____|
_____| ____|_ ____ | _____|_ _|___________|_ ____|_
.\ ||____\ __|/___ .\ /_|___ .\ _|/ ______\|____ | ____|/_____\ |/___
| _ ||_ | _|___/_| _|__/_| / |¯\ | | \_/ | \_/ | ___ | |_ /_.
|____|| ______| ______| ______| ___ |___________| \_____| \/ |
||___\ /|_____| /|____| /|___\ /___|\ /|_____\ /|_____|
_|_____ __| _____|_ ______|_
____\|____ |___\ |__ .\ __|/___ \ ____|/____
| | \_/ __ | /___| _|___/_| \_/ | ___ |
|_ |_____\/____| ______| ______| \|
/____|\ az0!/sea |_____| /|_____| /|_____\
_____|_ _____| _|_____ _____|
\ ___|/_____\ ___|___________|___ /_\ ||____
| | | | | ___ | | _ ||_ |
|_____|__ _______| | \_/_|__________|| _|
/|____\ /|___________|\ ||____\
| | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / rno music label |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
| |
_____|_ _____| _|_____
| ____|/_____\ ||_________\|____ |
| \_/ | ___ | _ ||_ | | \_/ |
|_____| \_____|| ___ |_____|
/|_____\ ||____\ /____|\
| az0!/sea | |
| |
rno music label release no. 000
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / save da vinyl |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____|_ _|_____ __| _____|_
.\ ___|/__________|___ /____\ |__ .\ __|/___
| | ___ | __ | /___| _|___/_.
|_____|__ __ \_/_|_____|/____| ______| |
/|____\/_____|\ |_____| /|_____|
| | | |
| ____ _|_____
_____|_\ /______|___ /_
| ___ | ___ | |
| \_/_|______ \_/_|_____|
save da v i n y l |_____|\ |_____|\ i s s u e #22
| |
__| |__ _____| _____|_ ____ |
.___\ |__ __|_/____\ ||_____\ _|/_____\ /_|_____
|_ | /_______\_| __ _ ||_ \| | |
/____| __ |____\/____|| _______|___ _______| |
|_____\/____| ||____\ /|____\ /|_____|
| | | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / speed |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____|_ _|_____ _____|_ _____|_ | ____
.\ ___|/_________\|____ |\ __|/___ .\ __|/___ ._____|_\ /.
| | | | \_/ | _|___/_| _|___/_| ___ | |
|_____|__ ___ |___________| ______| | \_/_|_____|
/|____\ /____|\ /|_____| /|___________|\
| | | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / thung |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____ | ____ | |__ _____| _____|_
.\ /_|____ .\ /_|_____ __| /___.\ ||_____\ __|/____
| _|___/_| _| |___\ | __ _ ||_ \ | |
|_____| _____/| __ |____\/____|| _______| |
/|_____| /_|____\/_____| ||____\ /|_____|
| | | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / twist off |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
____ | _____|_ |__ _____|_ ____ |
.\ /_|____ .\ _|/ ___ __|_/____\ ___|/_____\ /_|____
| _|___/_| / |¯\ |___\_| __ | _|___/_.
|_____| ______| ___ |____\/_____|__ _______| |
/|_____| /|____\ /____| /|____\ /|_____|
| | | | az0!/sea |
_|_____ _|_____ _|_____
____\|____ |____\| |____\| |
| | \_/ __|______ __|_____|
|_ |_______ _|___\ |_ _|___\
/____|\ /____|\ /____|\
| | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / voicer |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
__| _|_____ |__ _____| _____|_ ______|_
.___\ |__ .____\|____ | __|_/____.\ ___|______\ __|/___ \ ____|/____
|_ | /___| | \_/ |___\_| ___ | | _|___/_| \_/ | ___ |
/____| __ |_______ |____\ |_____| ______| ______| \|
|_____|/____|\ /____| az0!/sea /|_____| /|_____| /|_____\
| | | | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / void |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
__| _|_____ |__ | ____
.___\ |__ .____\|____ | __|_/_________|_\ /.
|_ | /___| | \_/ |___\_| __ ___ | |
/____| __ |_______ |____\| \_/_|_____|
|_____|/____|\ /____| |_____|\
| az0!/sea | | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / weeds |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_____|_ _____|_ _____|_ | ____ _____|_
.\ _|/ ____\ __|/___ .\ __|/___ _____|_\ /.\ ___|/____
| / |¯\ | _|___/_| _|___/_| ___ | | | |
|_____| _______| ______| | \_/_|___________|__ _|
/|____\ /|_____| /|___________|\ /|____\
| | | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / zetec |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ _____|_ ____ | _____|_ _____|
____\|__ /.\ __|/___ .\ /_|____ .\ __|/___ .\ ___|_____
| | | _|___/_| _|___/_| _|___/_| | |
|_ ___|___________| ______| ______| ______| |
/____|\ /|_____| /|_____| /|_____| /|_____|
| | | az0!/sea | |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / zito |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ |__ ____ | _|_____
____\|__ /. __|_/___.\ /_|____ ____\|____ |
| | |___\_| __ _|___/_| | \_/ |
|_ ___|_______ |____\/_____| __ |_____|
/____|\ /____| /|_____|/____|\
| | | az0!/sea |
| |
| negative skin color madeby a z z a r o & t h u n g |
___________ --------------------------------------------- |
__________\ / zomo |
\ __ __ /____________ --------------------------------- |
\ | .|._| / __| s a t i v e m e a |
\ _ |__|| _ / [E]lephant | | wicked knights of small l i n e s |
\/ \ | \/ travel line | ____________________________________|_
\ | /_____________ _| |
az0! \ | / || | || |
/sea | _ || | || |
|_\ //__\ //__\
_|_____ _|_____ ____|__ _|_____
____\|__ /.____\|____ |_\ | /________\|____ |
| | | | \_/ | | | | \_/ |
|_ ___|_______ |_________\_|_/ ___ |_____|
/____|\ /____|\ /|____\ /____|\
| | | az0!/sea |
___. ____ /\____ ___.::::::: ______
._\ _|_______\__/. / _/____\ |__:::::_____________ _________/ /
| \__ |_\_____ __/____| __ /__\__ /____.
|____|/ _ /| |\ |/ _ |/_____ /| |
t0!/ /|______________________________________/|____| /________ |
::::::::: short guide through my asciis......
NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 5 ::::::::: TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM |
01 [08/28/95] OZONE FRIENDLY [25O.936B] [AMF-OZFR.TXT]
03 [12/12/95] E=ASC² (with drf) [153.944B] [AMF-ASC².TXT]
04 [12/16/95] 93° FAHRENHEIT [O69.55OB] [AMF-93°F.TXT]
05 [12/2O/95] VIBROBETON [222.OOOB] [DRF_VBET.TXT]
::::::::: TOTAL: [0.770.430 BYTES]
NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 6 ::::::::: TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM |
06 [01/1O/96] BRING ME NOISE [O81.O2OB] [AMF-BMN.TXT]
07 [02/O7/96] BACK ON PLASTIC (with seti) [O55.OOOB] [AMF-BACK.TXT]
09 [06/O7/96] RAME [O41.5OOB] [AMF-RAME.TXT]
11 [06/22/96] TURBO (with covenant) [2OO.OOOB] [AMF-TURB.TXT]
12 [06/22/96] PHUN FAKTORY [193.1OOB] [AMF-PF.TXT]
14 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 2: JERICHO [178.227B] [AMF-DRE2.TXT]
15 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 3: FANTASIA [229.16OB] [AMF-DRE3.TXT]
18 [10/1O/96] 3ER4 MILLENIO [253.5OOB] [AMF-3ER4.TXT]
19 [11/O1/96] STYLEZ RETROSPECTION [173.16OB] [L124-STZ.TXT]
21 [11/11/96] AMPHETAMINE DUST [189.5O6B] [L124-DST.TXT]
22 [12/12/96] HAND ON MY PUSSY [141.O1OB] [L124-HOP.TXT]
::::::::: TOTAL: [2.854.420 BYTES]
NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 7 ::::::::: TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM |
23 [01/2O/97] AURORA BOREALIS [21O.15OB] [L124-ABS.TXT]
24 [02/O1/97] PAPARAZZI [161.OOOB] [L124-PZI.TXT]
25 [02/17/97] POETRY OF LOVE [463.OOOB] [L124-POL.TXT]
26 [02/22/97] TURBO 2 (with zorka19) [173.OOOB] [L124-TB2.TXT]
27 [03/O5/97] MORSEDOME [O36.OOOB] [L124-MSD.TXT]
29 [04/16/97] ECLIPSE TRAVEL TO INDIA [14O.OOOB] [L124-E2I.TXT]
30 [05/2O/97] AMBIENT WASTER [197.OOOB] [L124-AWA.TXT]
31 [06/15/97] TO THE SEA [178.352B] [L124-SEA.TXT]
32 [07/11/97] INDUSTRIAL 1: ODYSSEY TO ANYOONA [O96.762B] [L124-ANY.TXT]
33 [07/12/97] INDUSTRIAL 2: KALEIDOSCOPE SKIES [194.O29B] [L124-KSK.TXT]
35 [08/3O/97] DELPHINUS I-DENTITY [18O.185B] [L124-ID.TXT]
36 [10/15/97] GARDEN OF EDEN [12O.OOOB] [L124-GDE.TXT]
37 [10/29/97] TWO SPYS IN THE HOUSE OF LOVE [182.284B] [L124-SPY.TXT]
38 [12/15/97] PHOEBUS APOLLO [125.734B] [L124-PHO.TXT]
::::::::: TOTAL: [2.775.860 BYTES]
NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 8 ::::::::: TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM |
39 [01/2O/98] SEN WEZYRA [O66.312B] [L124-SEN.TXT]
40 [03/15/98] PSILOCIBE 1: SUKIA MONOTONE [181.OOOB] [L124-SMO.TXT]
41 [03/17/98] PSILOCIBE 2: EVENT HORIZON [182.OOOB] [L124-EHN.TXT]
43 [04/24/98] HOMEWORK [11O.OOOB] [L124-HOM.TXT]
44 [04/24/98] REBIRTH OF STYLISM [219.338B] [L124-338.TXT]
45 [07/O2/98] IN SEARCH OF SPARKS [21O.OOOB] [L124-ISO.TXT]
46 [08/25/98] 94,7% SMOKED OUT [O87.298B] [L124-9SO.TXT]
47 [10/02/98] EXPERIMENT ENCORE [373.648B] [L124-EXE.TXT]
48 [10/24/98] KLUB VOLTAIRE [136.OOOB] [L124-KLV.TXT]
49 [12/10/98] NEON FLOW [O74.OOOB] [SEA-NEON.TXT]
50 [12/20/98] ORIGAMI [116.314B] [SEA-ORIG.TXT]
51 [12/20/98] 456 ALIEN 3 [124.145B] [SEA-4A3.TXT]
52 [12/20/98] PORTAIT OUT OF THE BLUE [106.009B] [SEA-BLUE.TXT]
53 [12/20/98] PULVERTURM [108.000B] [SEA-PULV.TXT]
::::::::: TOTAL: [2.294.064 BYTES]
NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 9 ::::::::: TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM |
54 [02/27/99] ZERO REMIX [183.000B] [SEA-ZERO.TXT]
55 [03/06/99] CONSTRUCTION KIT 01 [047.733B] [SEA-CK01.TXT]
56 [04/06/99] DOBERMANN [100.000B] [SEA-DOBM.TXT]
57 [04/17/99] KLUBBHEAD LOOP 89 (+zabora,acid,kempy) [400.000B] [SEA-KORE.TXT]
58 [05/19/99] MORNING LEMON (with renton) [102.558B] [SEA-MLEM.TXT]
60 [06/20/99] AQUA DI AZOR [250.000B] [SEA-ADIA.TXT]
61 [06/27/99] EX-FAKTOR LITE `99 [117.541B] [SEA-XFL9.TXT]
62 [07/15/99] ALICE ON DA 2ND SIDE OF..(with renton) [139.710B] [SEA-ALIS.TXT]
63 [08/18/99] LIVE AT LODZ (with thung) [062.321B] [LA!-LODZ.TXT]
65 [09/27/99] NEGATIVE SKIN COLOR (with thung) [182.000B] [SEA-SKIN.TXT]
::::::::: TOTAL: [1.917.456 BYTES]
[TOTAL 10.409.909 BYTES] ::::::::: [065 ASCII COLLECTIONS]
_ _·____ ::_______ ____·_ _
: / · (_______) · \ :
_____ : _____ _____ ___ _____ ___
____ ______ _\_ /___\ /_________\ _/._(__/_ / /_ / /______
\ _/ / / / _/ / / | / _/ \___ /
/__\_____/____\_____\ __\_____/\_____\ _|____/_______\ ___ / /
. . · /
: c R E D i T S : diP/a! ·
_ ___:___· _ _ . _ _ ·___:___ _
· )\____) : (____/( ·
all logos are copyrighted by their own authors.
thse sect bbs logo..........................................x-ball/sative mea
azzaro, thung, sative mea logos.............................zabora/sative mea
contents logo....................................................dippi/arcade
init logo...................................................x-ball/sative mea
sative mea logo.............................................zabora/sative mea
back on top logo...............................................dezibel/arcade
index logo.............................................kn/die kranken bombers
messages logo.....................................................zito/layout
i love techno logo.............................................dezibel/arcade
azzaro logo in part 2.............................fighter for future/the crew
history logo..........................................................tommy/?
credits logo.....................................................dippi/arcade
stats logo.....................................................dezibel/arcade
sea logo....................................................zabora/sative mea
sative mea.diz logo............................................leunam/network
all logos tagged by [az0!/sea]..............................azzaro/sative mea
all logos & cliparts tagged by [tG!.k0]...........................thung/k0re.
idea/design/layout..........................................azzaro/sative mea
_____ ___ ___ ___:::::_____
\ _|___\ |_ ___ __|_ \\ |_ ___\ _|___
_ Dz/a! /_ // _/ // _ _/ //_ / . . s t a t s ! _
/____________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___________________________\
original title:
"negative skin color"
original arconym:
original wasted space:
182.000 bytes
::: ::::
____________ ::: are you ready 4 da sea? ::::
\\ _ // ::: _________ __________ ::::
::::____\\ //_//__:____\\ ___//___ ___ __\\ _ //_____ __::::
::_\\ \\___________ ___\ ______// //__ _\ /_____ // /_:::
: ::::::::: :
: azzaro ::::::::: :::::::::
: renton ::::::::: :::::::::
: revi ::::::::: :::::::::
: twister ::::::::: :::::::::
: x-ball ::::::::: :::::::::
: zabora ::::::::: :::::::::
: ::::::::: :::::::::
:.......::::::::::::::: ::::::::: get newest ascii releases
::::::::: from top of the polish makers
__________ sysop: madbart'appendix, supporters: ufok+prefix+madbart
__) (__ _______::::::runned with: a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb
\ ___/_ ____ _( ___ /_:::::::: ____________
\ | | | \__/ \.:2nd IN THE WORLD! __) (__
\ | --|-- |___________|:(TSP01) _______ _\_____ /
\ |_____|_____| _______::::::: _( ___ /_ _( ____/_ /
\ / _) ___/__________| \__/ \./ )/ | /
___ \/_ , _ _ ___ |_______________ |___________|___________| /
| |-||_| )|_||_ | /_____________| b|z'sea \ /
` ` beebs. ::::::::: \ /
::::::::: \/
node00: +48-91-4879493 & node01: telnet & node02: telnet
::::::::: _ _
:::::::::........................\the end/....................................
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[eof!] :::
a u t u m n session is o p e n. see y o u soon
.¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. :.:
,¾¾¤'.....~¤¾¾¾. ........................
,¾¾¤ : ¤¾¾. :..
¾¾¾' . `¾¾. s a t i v e m e a :
¾¾¾ ¤¾¾ in :
¾¾¾. . .¾¤ "negative skin color" :
`¾¾¾. .¾¤ .¾¾' made by :
`¾¾¾. ¾¾ .¾¾' reconstruction: azzaro :
¾¾¾¾. `¤¤' and :
. `¾¾¾¾._ thung: postomodernissm :
. `¾¾¾¾¾._ for sure .
.:.. `¤¾¾¾¾¾._.
:: : `¤¾¾¾¾¾¾.. _______ _______.
:: . _ ___ `¤¾¾¾¾¾.. _\__ (_ _\____ (_
\\\. ¾¾' `¤¾¾¾. l/ / l/ /
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::. |__`¾¾¾. .¾¾¾`_________|______/.:
`¤¾¾¾¾¤` [sept/27/1999]
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( second place in the world - tsp01 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
___. __ ____ _______
__( |___ __( | /__ __( _____/__
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/ \| _ |/ _ \| \
/______________________/\/ ___________________________\
\\ //
\ ( appendix ) ( pic saint loup ) ( da jormas ) /
\ ( mawi ) ( floppy ) ( kore. ) ( linear ) /
/ ( old bulls ) ( sative mea ) ( teklords ) \
/ ( dinx project ) ( venus art ) ( nah-kolor ) \
/ \
/ master: madbart/appendix \
/ amiga1240T/603e/240mhz/4gb warez space \
/ supporters: ufok/appendix - prefix/appendix \
/ \
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/ node 0: +48-91-4879493 ) ( node 1: telnet ) ( node 2: telnet \
/_ _______ _______ _______ ___. \
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_____________ \___/ ____/ \___/ ____/ \___/ ____/---\
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( second place in the world - tsp01 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )